PictVet™ MAP ELISA Test

Improved production through early disease detection

Johne’s disease is a chronic, inflammatory intestinal immune disease in ruminants (predominantly bovines, sheep & deer) which is caused by an infection with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP).

Subclinical infection can occur for up to two years.  Once clinically affected, physical wastage and deterioration usually occurs rapidly, presenting as weight loss despite normal appetite, diarrhea and in late clinical stages a soft swelling under jaw (also called bottle jaw / intermandibular oedema). Existing diagnostic tests are not able to routinely identify subclinical infections.

The PictVet™ MAP ELISA test can be used to identify sub-clinical (asymptomatic but infected) animals within a herd, enabling farms to isolate, manage their welfare and production whilst minimising risks to uninfected livestock.

The PictVet™ MAP ELISA kit utilises  PictArray™ technology with multiple Johne’s disease biomarkers in a single test to identify disease presence throughout the lifecycle of infection.

Through utilising multiple biomarkers, the PictVet™ MAP ELISA test will demonstrate superior diagnostic performance over existing single biomarker tests.  

Highly sensitive testing is essential to:

  • More informed livestock management, and improved production yields.
  • Facilitate improved farm biosecurity and isolation practices.
  • Provide more accurate results prior to exporting, farm to farm transportation or introducing new livestock.

Suitable for bulk or individual milk and serum samples. 

The PictVet™ MAP ELISA is expected to commercially launch in early 2024.

For further information about current status and performance, please contact orders@pictordx.com

96-well plate format. Available in kits of 5 plates (static plate or 8-well slides).

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